TU Dresden RWTH Leibniz Institut


The rapid growth of the world's population is increasing the demand for built structures with a wide variety of functions. These are primarily built from mineral-bound materials such as cement.

Concrete is basically simple, fast and inexpensive to produce, it can take on almost any shape and is also used as a single building material in developing and emerging countries. It is by far the most important material for building housing and infrastructure.

Many billions of tonnes of sand and gravel are consumed annually for the production of concrete.

Not only the visible environmental impacts such as the extraction of sand and gravel, but also the production and further processing of cement account for approx. 8 % of man-made CO2 emissions.



We have to change these aspects of building in view of the limited raw material resources and an ever-increasing environmental impact! The infrastructure urgently needed in the future requires the construction of material-minimised building structures based on mineral-bound composites. New ways of thinking, changing proven patterns of thought are necessary to preserve our natural habitat and to reduce CO2 emissions as well as the enormous consumption of resources when building with concrete. New forms of construction and building structures, inspired by various fields of science and art, are to be developed. The aim is to develop a resource-efficient construction method based on components that are predominantly subjected to normal force, in order to design weight-minimised, high-performance and durable load-bearing structures of the future with a minimum amount of raw materials.

A good example of efficient, material-minimised load-bearing structures are the long-span shell structures whose heyday was in the last century. The lack of corrosion resistance of steel reinforcement and the complexity of fabrication were two reasons why these load-bearing systems were erected less and less frequently. High-performance materials such as textile or carbon-reinforced concrete, which have been researched in depth over the past 25 years, are highly load-bearing and at the same time insensitive to corrosion. In addition to the weight reduction due to smaller concrete cover, a considerable amount of dead weight can be saved, especially due to the high mechanical performance of the material. At the moment, these high-performance materials are used exclusively as substitute materials. They are thought of and used in the same way as the more than 100-year-old design principles for reinforced concrete. The design and the structural implementation are still shaped by traditional thinking.

Even today, we need food for thought to find an adequate design language and construction method for our modern high-performance materials. Basic research is the basis for turning new technologies and materials into creative visions. Outstanding examples from modern architecture show that innovative building materials in combination with efficient calculation methods enable the construction of visionary buildings.

Research in the CRC/Transregio 280 aims to ensure that the new construction strategies can be applied to a wide range of building components and structures in the future. The main goal of the TRR 280 is to research entirely new design and construction methods for innovative and sustainable structures in order to be able to efficiently use already existing high-performance materials such as carbon-reinforced concrete for the first time.

The following core objectives are to be achieved:

  • Reduction of resource consumption and environmental impacts such as CO2 emissions through novel design and construction principles and even more efficient materials;
  • Longer period of use and extension of use through the use of particularly durable materials and robust construction methods as well as modularity;
  • Appealing aesthetic design language combined with a high degree of multifunctionality.

In the targeted twelve years of funding, the design, construction, testing and production of structures made of mineral-based carbon-fiber reinforced building materials, also in combination with other materials, will be completely rethought. After the paradigm shift in concrete construction that has begun at the material level, a revolution in the thinking and design of structures is required.

For the project, the principle "form follows force" means finding an interdisciplinary approach for new algorithms and methods that include all process steps of a structure from design to production, including material and process development. Carbon-reinforced concrete is a building material that can meet these requirements and will thus be the focus of the new construction strategies in the planned collaborative project. In this respect, the CRC/Transregio 280 builds on the previous state of knowledge, which on the one hand was largely developed through material-oriented basic research in CRC 528 and CRC 532, and on the other hand stems from singular practical projects and the research in the application-oriented project consortium C3 – Carbon Concrete Composite, which has set itself the goal of reducing barriers to market entry (including the creation of guidelines and approvals for carbon concrete products). In order to fully exploit the potential of new materials and methods, the decisive prerequisite is the integration of experts from different disciplines – in addition to civil engineering also from botany, mathematics and scientific architecture – who realise common approaches, perspectives and methods for a sustainable paradigm shift.


Scientific added value through cooperation between scientists from different fields of knowledge

The strength of TRR 280 is the interdisciplinary approach through the integration of experts from already established networks at two renowned research centres in Germany. Scientists from TU Dresden and RWTH Aachen University play a leading role worldwide in the field of carbon-reinforced concrete. The Leibnitz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e.V. (IPF) contributes expertise on the design of the boundary layer between non-metallic reinforcement and mineral matrix. The botanical gardens in Dresden and Hamburg are working together on plant models.

Intensive cooperation between the researchers at the TRR's locations promotes Germany's international pioneering role in the field of these highly innovative and resource-efficient technologies.


Spokespersons of TRR 280 (funding period 2)

Spokesperson of CRC/Transregio 280
Steffen Marx
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Concrete Structures
01062 Dresden (Germany)
[Translate to English:]
Deputy Spokesperson of CRC/Transregio 280
Rostislav Chudoba
Prof. Dr. habil.
RWTH Aachen University
Institute of Structural Concrete, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1
52074 Aachen (Germany)

Former spokespersons of TRR 280 (funding period 1)

Manfred Curbach
Former Spokesperson of CRC/Transregio 280
Manfred Curbach
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h.
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Concrete Structures
D-01062 Dresden (Germany)
[Translate to English:] Josef Hegger
Former Deputy Spokesperson of CRC/Transregio 280
Josef Hegger
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h.
RWTH Aachen University
Institute of Structural Concrete, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1
D-51074 Aachen

Dresden location

Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Concrete Structures
D-01062 Dresden (Germany)




Dresden location

Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung
Dresden e. V.

Hohe Str. 6
D-01069 Dresden (Germany)


Aachen location

RWTH Aachen University
Institute of Structural Concrete
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1
D-52074 Aachen (Germany)


Hamburg location

Universität Hamburg
Botanischer Garten
Hesten 10
D-22609 Hamburg
