TU Dresden RWTH Leibniz Institut


Cooperations in the scientific environment are essentially. They allow for the pooling of resources, expertise, and knowledge, leading to more efficient and effective research. Collaborations also provide opportunities for interdisciplinary work and the exchange of new ideas and perspectives, which can lead to more innovative and impactful research outcomes.




Represented by:
Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstr. 7
70174 Stuttgart (Germany)

Phone: +49 711 685-0
E-Mail: poststelle@uni-stuttgart.de

Bleiberger Fabrik
Bleiberger Str. 2
52074 Aachen (Germany)

Web: www.bleiberger.de
Phone: +49 241 82064
E-Mail: info@bleiberger.de


JugendKunstschule Dresden
Bautzner Str. 130
01099 Dresden (Germany)

Web: www.jks-dresden.de and www.kunstschule-dresden.de
Phone: +49 351 796 885 10
E-Mail: info@jks.dresden.de