TU Dresden RWTH Leibniz Institut

Project Z

Central Tasks of the CRC/Transregio

The central task of project Z, the central administration and management project, is the coordination of all work of the CRC/Transregio 280. It concerns the coordination of the cross-disciplinary exchange and the joint research work; it includes organising of colloquia, meetings and congresses as well as the invitation of national and international guest scientists. Furthermore, the work in Z comprises the coordination of the self-administration bodies, the supervision of the financial resources, the coordination of working and result reports as well as the preparation of the proposals for future periods of the TRR 280.

Scientists and staff

Spokesperson of CRC/Transregio 280
Steffen Marx
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Concrete Structures
01062 Dresden (Germany)
Scientific Coordinator
Lena Leicht
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Concrete Structures
01062 Dresden (Germany)
Scientific Coordinator
Viviane Adam
RWTH Aachen University
Institute of Structural Concrete, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1
52074 Aachen (Germany)
[Translate to English:] Martina Knoblauch
Associate Administration
Martina Knoblauch
RWTH Aachen University
Financial administration CRC/Transregio 280, Wüllnerstr. 5b
D-52062 Aachen (Germany)
[Translate to English:] Knüvener
Associate Administration
Manuela Knüvener
RWTH Aachen University
Financial administration CRC/Transregio 280, Wüllnerstr. 5b
D-52062 Aachen (Germany)
[Translate to English:] Foto zeigt Portrait von Ines Niemetz
Associate Administration
Ines Niemetz
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Concrete Structures
D-01062 Dresden (Germany)
Associate Administration
Claudia Seifert
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Concrete Structures
D-01062 Dresden
[Translate to English:]
Research Associate
Abedulgader Baktheer
RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Structural Concrete
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1
D-52074 Aachen

Ehemalige | Former involved

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Manfred Curbach (Sprecher Förderphase 1, TU Dresden, 07/2020 – 06/2024)

Birgit Beckmann (wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin Förderphase 1, TU Dresden, 07/2020 – 06/2024)


Publikationen | Publications

Beckmann, B.; Adam, V.; Marx, S.; Chudoba, R.; Hegger, J.; Curbach, M. (2023) Novel Design Strategies for Material-Minimized Carbon Reinforced Concrete Structures – Overview of the Research in CRC/TRR 280 in: Ilki, A.; Çavunt, D.; Çavunt, Y. S. [eds.] Building for the Future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient – Proc. of fib Symposium 2023, 05.–07.06.2023 in Istanbul (Turkey), publ. in: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 350, Cham: Springer, p. 1242–1251 – DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32511-3_127

Beckmann, B.; Bielak, J.; Bosbach, S.; Scheerer, S.; Schmidt, Chr.; Hegger, J.; Curbach, M. (2021) Collaborative research on carbon reinforced concrete structures in the CRC/TRR 280 project in: Civil Engineering Design  3, issue 3, p. 99–109 – DOI: 10.1002/cend.202100017

Beckmann, B.; Bielak, J.; Scheerer, S.; Schmidt, Chr.; Hegger, J.; Curbach, M. (2021) Standortübergreifende Forschung zu Carbonbetonstrukturen im SFB/TRR 280 in: Bautechnik  98, issue 3, p. 232–242 – DOI: 10.1002/bate.202000116

Curbach, M.; Beckmann, B. (2022) Material-minimized carbon-reinforced concrete structures – Overview of research in CRC/TRR 280 | Materialminimierte Carbonbetonstrukturen – Überblick über die Forschung im SFB/TRR 280 in: BFT-International 88, issue 06 – Proc. of 66th BetonTage Ulm – Concrete Solutions. 21.–23.06.2022 in Ulm, p. 61.

Curbach, M.; Hegger, J.; Bielak, J.; Schmidt, C.; Bosbach, S.; Scheerer, S.; Claßen, M.; Simon, J.-W.; Maas, H.-G.; Vollpracht, A.; Koch, A.; Hahn, L.; Butler, M.; Beckmann, B.; Adam, V.; Cherif, C.; Chudoba, R.; Gries, T.; Günther, E.; Kaliske, M.; Klinkel, S.; Löhnert, S.; Lautenschläger, T.; Matschei, T.; Mechtcherine, V.; Nagel, W. E.; Neinhuis, C.; Niemeyer, A.; Noennig, J. R.; Raupach, M.; Reese, S.; Scheffler, C.; Schladitz, F.; Traverso, M.; Marx, S. (2024) New perspectives on carbon reinforced concrete structures—Why new composites need new design strategies in Civil Engineering Design 5,issue 5-6, p. 67–94 – DOI: 10.1002/cend.202200008

Scheerer, S.; Beckmann, B.; Bielak, J.; Bosbach, S.; Schmidt, C.; Hegger, J.; Curbach, M. (2022) Konstruktionsstrategien für materialminimierte Carbonbetonstrukturen – Grundlagen für eine neue Art zu bauen | CRC/Transregio 280: Design strategies for material-minimised carbon reinforced concrete structures – principles of a new approach to construction in: Scheerer, S.; Curbach, M. [eds.] SPP 1542: Leicht Bauen mit Beton : Grundlagen für das Bauen der Zukunft mit bionischen und mathematischen Entwurfsprinzipien (Abschlussbericht) | SPP 1542: Concrete Light : Future Concrete Structures using Bionic, Mathematical and Engineering Formfinding Principles (Final Report) Dresden: Institut für Massivbau der TU Dresden, 2022, p. 700–705 – DOI: 10.25368/2022.162

Vorträge und Poster | Oral presentations and posters

Beckmann, B. (2020) Standortübergreifende Forschung zu Carbonbetonstrukturen – Überblick über den Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 280 Vortrag bei: Tudalit-Stammtisch, 13.11.2020 (online).

Beckmann, B. (2023) Wege zu einem ressourceneffizienten und nachhaltigen Bauen – Paradigmenwandel im Bauwesen jetzt Vortrag bei: Immobilienforum Magedeburg 07./08.09.2023 in Magedeburg.

Beckmann, B. (2024) Paths to resource-efficient and sustainable construction Vortrag bei: Building Bridges for the Next Generations, 27./28.05.2024 in Dresden.