TU Dresden RWTH Leibniz Institut Universität Hamburg

Art competition 2023 "ENTDECKUNG" of the CRC/Transregio 280

Visualization of a symbiosis

Nature + concrete

[Translate to English:] Kunstwettbewerb 2023 "Entdeckung", Sichtbarmachung einer Symbiose

Competition theme

The CRC/TRR 280 would like to invite artists to be inspired by the topics of the Collaborative Research Center. The aim of the competition is to show that carbon concrete as a product of science and technology has diverse relationships to art and nature. What becomes visible, what remains hidden to the researcher and what to the external person? How can nature and carbon concrete be combined as an art object?

Concrete is basically simple, fast and inexpensive to produce, it can take on almost any shape and is the only building material that is also used extensively in developing and emerging countries. The CRC/ TRR 280 deals with a new way of building. The strategy development is aimed at creating innovative concepts and intelligent constructions made of carbon concrete. Appropriate methods for design, such as modeling and construction with new materials, therefore require deeper fundamental research. New ways of thinking and changing established patterns of thought are needed to preserve our natural habitat and reduce CO2 emissions and the enormous consumption of resources when building with concrete. Inspired by science such as botany and mathematics, art will be used as a source of ideas for new construction methods. Concrete, in combination with other materials, serves as a medium for the artists' creative ideas.

Competition objective

For the CRC/TRR 280 Art Competition 2023, ideas and designs are sought that visionarily implement the use of concrete/carbon concrete in relation to the topics of the CRC/TRR280. The competition does not specify a specific design object, the artistic technique is optional. Participants are free to choose the context in which to work on their design. The convincing realization of the design and its creativity are decisive for the evaluation of the works. The submitted works will be judged by an independent, interdisciplinary jury.

We look forward to receiving numerous inspiring proposals and thank you in advance for your support in spreading the call for entries.

Contact for queries:

Angela Alvarez y Leal
RWTH Aachen
Institut für Massivbau
52074 Aachen
Telefon: +49 241 80-27961
E-Mail: aalvarez@imb.rwth-aachen.de

All required information is available here: https://www.sfbtrr280.de/wettbewerbe/