TU Dresden RWTH Leibniz Institut Universität Hamburg

School class visits the CUBE carbon concrete building at TU Dresden

Stefan Gröschel

On November 2, 2023, a tenth grade class from a secondary school in Dresden went on an excursion to the CUBE carbon concrete building at the TUD Dresden University of Technology.

The pupils were warmly welcomed by Dr.-Ing. Frank Schladitz from sub-project C04, who gave an informative presentation explaining the importance of reinforcement in concrete structures. He vividly illustrated the change from conventional steel reinforcement to more efficient reinforcement with carbon. The futuristic ambience of the carbon concrete house CUBE offered the students a unique opportunity to experience the special features of the composite material carbon concrete at first hand. Following the lecture, the young people were given a guided tour of the building and had the opportunity to attend a test in the test laboratory of the Institute of Concrete Structures, the Otto Mohr Laboratory.

The excursion not only gave the students an insight into innovative construction technologies, but also promoted an understanding of the ongoing development in the construction industry. The Institute of Concrete Structures is pleased to welcome school classes for such educational experiences and thus contribute to promoting young people's interest in technology.