TU Dresden RWTH Leibniz Institut

On-site review of Transregio 280

On March 6, 2024, the on-site review of Transregio 280 took place in preparation of the second funding period.

Thanks to the excellent cooperation of all those involved, we were able to prepare a presentation of our joint and diverse research that could not have been more professional. With a uniform ID, informative posters, demonstrators, small test stands and, finally, the team spirit of all those involved, we were able to convince the reviewers and DFG representatives - a very good precondition for the DFG's decision on further funding, which will be made at the end of May.

[Translate to English:] Sprecher und designierte Sprecher stehend auf einem Demonstrator
Stefan Gröschel

Prof. Marx, Prof. Chudoba and Prof. Hegger prove the stability of a topological interlocking assembly with concrete 3D-printed blocks without binding materials