TU Dresden RWTH Leibniz Institut Universität Hamburg

Successful defense of Danny Friese's dissertation

Mirko Krziwon – ITM/TUD

On June 13, 2024, Dr.-Ing. Danny Friese defended his dissertation "Development of a robot-assisted technology for the production of biologically inspired, load-adapted 3D textile reinforcement structures" under the chairmanship of Prof. Petzold-Byhain (Chair of Virtual Product Development, TU Dresden) at the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) at TU Dresden.

The doctoral thesis was reviewed by Prof. Cherif (ITM) and Prof. Scheffler (Chair of Polymers in Civil Engineering, TU Dresden). Prof. Kyosev (ITM) and Prof. Majschak (Chair of Processing Machines/ Processing Technology, TU Dresden) accompanied the doctoral process as assessors.


Research into innovative, material-minimizing construction methods and resource- saving production technologies for the resource-intensive construction sector is an urgent necessity in order to effectively address the global climate change. Building with textile-reinforced concrete is a material-efficient and resource-saving construction method. Compared to steel reinforcement, textile reinforcement structures are resistant to corrosion, which means that the required concrete cover can be drastically reduced. In this dissertation, a novel, robot-assisted manufacturing technology is developed for the production of biologically inspired, load-adapted 3D textile reinforcement structures. For the realization of this flexibly applicable technology, requirement-oriented functional modules for impregnation, guidance and fixation of carbon fiber rovings in space are elaborated and validated. Algorithms for the auto- mated generation of collision-free robot paths are being researched and developed for the production of 3D textile reinforcement structures. The robot-assisted production technology developed will create the basis for implementing biologically in- spired, load-adapted 3D textile reinforcement structures with high load-bearing capacity for material-minimized concrete structures.

The CRC/Transregio 280 members are proud and congratulate Dr.-Ing. Danny Friese on the successful completion of his dissertation and wish him all the best and much success for his future career and private life.